We have created this page in response to those who have asked for a resource to quickly locate an in-person OA meeting in Orange County. Since the pandemic, most of our meetings have transitioned to virtual, phone, and / or hybrid (a combination of Zoom, Phone, and In-Person) meetings. You may find them listed, here.
Those new to OA, or thinking about joining our fellowship may want to read about the different types of OA meetings, which can be found, here.
Those new to OA, or thinking about joining our fellowship may want to read about the different types of OA meetings, which can be found, here.
SUndaySu 10:30 AM-11:30 AM Costa Mesa #26322
IN-PERSON MEETING College Hospital Office Bldg. 275 Victoria St., Room 1B Contact: Patty G. (949) 363-3996 Open, Literature Study, Discussion 12&12 (OA and AA) Su 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM San Juan Capistrano #54522 HYBRID Phone/Web/IN-PERSON MEETING New Method Wellness, 31601 Ave Los Cerritos, SJC Contact: Mari S. (949) 306-5041 Relapse & 12th Step Within Su 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Whittier, #58120 IN-PERSON MEETING 13205 Philadelphia St., First Friends Church Office Library Park BEHIND Church in lot w/BASKETBALL HOOPS (Lot accessible from alley off of Philadelphia St. - between Friends Ave. & Washington Ave.) Follow "OA" signs, visible from Parking Lot, cross courtyard, and enter building through glass doors. Contact: Sunny K. (562) 538-9810 Newcomer Focus, OA Literature Study (Body Image, Relationships, and Sexuality, & OA 12 & 12 Step and Tradition) Monday
M 9:00 AM Costa Mesa #57698 *Updated 9/24/23
IN-PERSON MEETING, OARS (OA Recovery & Solutions) St. John the Divine Episcopal Church - 183 East Bay Street Contact: Gretchen (949) 280-8134 OA Literature, Women's, Open M 10:00 AM-11:30 AM Orange #00084 IN-PERSON MEETING St. Matthew Church, 1111 W. Town and Country Rd Contact: Janet B. 714-329-8133 (no text) Book Study M 7:00 PM-8:00 PM San Clemente #57329 *Updated 8/3/23 IN-PERSON MEETING 35522 Camino Capistrano (Christ Lutheran Church), San Clemente Contact: Katie D - (818) 802-5253 Women's, Big Book Study, Speaker, Open Tuesday
Tu 10:00 AM-11:15 AM Mission Viejo #22800
IN-PERSON MEETING Presbyterian Church of the Master, 26051 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo Contact: text only Kay 949-584-8872 HOW, 12 Step Study Wheelchair Access Tu 5:30PM-6:30PM Orange #57661 IN-PERSON MEETING Trinity Episcopal Church, 2400 N. Canal St., Youth Ctr. Contact: Joan L. 714-331-5044 Steps & Traditions, Writing Tu 7:00 PM-8:00 PM Huntington Beach #22255 HYBRID Phone/Web/IN-PERSON MEETING Community United Methodist Church, Library, 6652 Heil Ave., HB Contact: Linda M. 714-809-1999 Tu 7:00 PM-8:00 PM Costa Mesa #TBD IN-PERSON MEETING College Hospital Office Building, 275 Victoria St. Room 1B, CM Contact: Tine (714) 905-9290 Open, Speaker/Podcast |
W 10:00 AM-11:30 AM Huntington Beach #10884
HYBRID Phone/Web/IN PERSON MEETING 6652 Heil Ave. (Community United Methodist Church), in Library Contact: Linda 714-809-1999 Various Books/Writing, Wheelchair Access W 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Whittier #00330 HYBRID Phone/Web/IN-PERSON MEETING 13205 Philadelphia St., First Friends Church; Church Office Library Park BEHIND Church in lot w/BASKETBALL HOOPS (Lot accessible from alley off of Philadelphia St. - between Friends Ave. & Washington Ave.) Follow "OA" signs, visible from Parking Lot, cross courtyard & enter bldg. through glass door Contact: Steven M. (562) 397-2596 Open, OA 12 & 12 Step and Tradition Study, Wheelchair Access Link to leader's script (meeting format) Thursday
Th 7:00 - 8:30 PM Costa Mesa #47034 Updated 9/12/23
IN-PERSON MEETING 254 Victoria St, 2nd floor, Room 3 Contact: Ron H. 714-381-4515 Literature (Big Book) Link to leader's script (meeting format), secretary's report format, and chip script Friday
F 10:00 AM-11:15 AM Mission Viejo #20268
Presbyterian Church of the Master, 26051 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo IN-PERSON MEETING Contact: Angie 949 350-1563 HOW (optional), 12 Step study, Wheelchair access SaturdaySa 9:30 AM-11:00 AM #19502 Huntington Beach
HYBRID Phone/Web/IN-PERSON MEETING Community United Methodist Church, 6652 Heil Ave. Contact: Linda (714) 809-1999 12&12 Book Study |